Service Agreement Example
Evaluation Address: 1234 Santa Clause Lane
Responsible Party: Santa Clause
Billing Address:
PO Box 1234
North Pole, AK 99705
Invoice Number: 25291
Invoice Date: 01/01/2024
Invoice Due Date: 03/14/2024
Initial Balance Due:$585.00
Final invoice total may vary if additional services are required.
Inspection Requirements
- In most cases we will require access to the residence.
- The septic system clean-outs, monitor tubes, and well if present must be marked before the inspection if they are under snow, cut at grade, or hidden in vegetation.
- The driveway must be accessible for a 4-wheel drive vehicle. We recommend ensuring the driveway is cleared if there are 6 or more inches of snow.
- We require running water for the performance test of the leach system. If the water system is turned off or the water tank has less than 500 gallons of water available, you must notify us so that we can schedule a water delivery service.
- If the residence is occupied, we recommend using less than 100 gallons of water per bedroom the day of and the day before the inspection to ensure the leach system is in a normal operating state when we arrive.
- We can not add additional water testing to water samples after collection. Please ensure you have ordered all the water samples you need before the inspection.
- If we are unable to complete the inspection due to these requirements not being met, you may be charged an additional $165 site visit fee to reschedule the inspection.
Scope of Work
Construction Evaluation:
We search the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) online database and physical files for Documents of Construction for your property, check that any information we find appears to match the system we find on site, and take measurements to verify that the system meets all observable ADEC standards regarding horizontal separation distances between the well and sources of contamination. We then check the vertical separation distance between the bottom of the leach field and the ground water table using direct measurement from your septic tank, leach field, and well, or state information about the water tables if the well is not available. We then measure the ground cover over the septic tank and leach field to determine if it meets ADEC insulation requirements.
Performance Evaluation:
We will use 60 to 225 gallons of water per bedroom for adequacy testing. If we can locate your leach field monitor tubes and they are unobstructed, we add water to your leach field and measure the water level over time to determine the absorption rate of your leach field. We then add water directly to the septic tank to ensure the outlet to the leach field is not obstructed. If we cannot use your leach field monitor tubes, we will run the test through your septic tank directly by adding water and measuring the water level in the tank over time to ensure the leach field is capable of absorbing the ADEC required daily flow. If we use your water supply for our performance evaluation your report will include a water supply flow assessment.
Once your evaluation is complete, we will provide you with an update about your results within 24 hours.
Typically, your full report and water quality results will be ready within 3 business days. These will be emailed to you as a PDF file which will include any water quality results you've ordered, as well as our appendix "Interpreting your Test Results." This will be sent to any email addresses you have provided us. A paper copy can also be obtained by request.
Information acquired by us in the course of the engagement will not be disclosed by us to other parties except as required or allowed for by law, or with your express consent.
The conclusions and opinions stated in your report will be based on the observations and measurements obtained during the field investigation, referenced information sources and the assumptions stated herein. No determination will be made of the construction methods or materials used to construct buried structures such as wells or sewer system components that were not visible at the time of our field visits. Our on-site measurements will be limited to determining horizontal separation distances between observable structures such as cleanout pipes and well casings, and depths in cleanout and monitor tubes. Distances and elevations will be measured with lasers, hand-held tapes, and levels and are only close approximations of actual distances. It is possible that actual constructed details of the existing system may vary from the information shown in our report. We do not verify that the septic system or water source lies wholly or partially outside of lot lines, in utility easements or other right of ways. If you are concerned about possible encroachments we recommend that a professional land surveyor be retained to accurately place the septic system in relation to property lines. Our system evaluations are based on ADEC requirements and recommendations.
The system installer was responsible for the proper construction per the ADEC regulations. The owner is responsible for routine maintenance and upkeep of both the water and wastewater systems as necessary. Our evaluations do not guarantee the structural integrity or the continued satisfactory performance of either the water supply or wastewater disposal system. You will receive a report on the performance and condition of the systems at the time of the inspection. This report on our observations of the water and wastewater systems shall not be construed as a warranty or guarantee for the continued performance of these systems and does not confirm that the systems are free of material or installation defects. Passage of time, changed conditions of usage and/or lack of preventative maintenance may substantially affect the performance of these systems.
Liability is limited to the amount charged for our report. The report will be prepared and provided for the exclusive use of you, our client, and shall not be used for any purpose other than as an evaluation of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems at this residence. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever.
We offer Net 45 invoice terms to our clients to allow them to pay our invoice out of their closing costs. You will need to provide our invoice to your title company and verify that it is included in your closing statement at closing. You are responsible for paying this invoice within the term period regardless of the status of your sale.
If your closing date is delayed, you may contact us to discuss adjusting your due date. Your payment is due in full within 45 days of your invoice date. An itemized invoice will be provided with your report.
Accounts overdue at 60 days from invoicing will incur a $35.00 administration fee. If we incur any costs of collection, such as legal fees and collection agency fees, etc., you agree to indemnify us for all such costs.
Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:30 - 3:30
(907) 456-3854
PO Box 10768
Fairbanks, AK 99710
We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards!

Open Monday through Friday
9:30 - 3:30
(907) 456-3854
PO Box 10968
Fairbanks, AK 99710